Model: BJY-E-CO28
Kích thước: 600 x 550 x 580
Trọng lượng: 32 kg
Không có chế độ hơi nước
Công suất điện: 2250 W
Điện áp: 220-240V/50-60Hz/1P
Xuất xứ: Berjaya – Malaysia
Among the cooking equipment in the kitchen, the toaster oven will certainly be an indispensable item. They are enough conditions to make lovely cookies, roast greasy chicken or quickly drain water from food. However, if the product you are looking for will be placed in a large, professional kitchen (such as a restaurant, hotel,…) then it is different. Not only in terms of capacity, we also have to consider a lot of other factors.
And to meet the urgent needs of F&B businesses, Cosmic will introduce to you the Berjaya BJY-E-CO28 convection oven – the number 1 choice of many famous chefs, hotels,… .
Berjaya BJY-E-CO28 oven appears in many professional kitchens, and is a great assistant to create delicious dishes.
Not only used in the baking process, the toaster oven is also used to drain water from food, braising/stewing, etc. With regular home baking equipment, you can choose a suitable product yourself. with me. However, despite having the same function, professional kitchens in restaurants and large stores have many more requirements. Detail:
– Large capacity: regardless of the type of convection oven or multi-function oven, the equipment used in the kitchen must have a large capacity to meet the extremely large number of dishes made every day.
– Save energy use (electricity).
– Time to cook / bake / defrost… fast.
– The quality of the dish when it comes out of the oven must be uniform, with a beautiful outer shell but not dry on the inside.
– Easy to use, maintain, clean and does not take up too much space.
Ovens at professional kitchens must go through many review criteria before being selected
If you want to choose a quality convection oven, Berjaya will be the perfect brand for you, especially the Berjaya BJY-E-CO28 convection oven model. Not only does it fully integrate the advantages of a normal convection oven, BJY-E-CO28 also has extremely useful differences:
The convection fan system circulates air in the oven, helping food cook evenly in all four directions, creating a beautifully colored outer layer and soft enough inside.
Convection ovens have many advantages that suit the needs of businesses
– 4 stainless steel trays make the most of the space for baking food, suitable for both large batches of cakes or large sized raw foods.
– The oven cavity, shelves and outer shell are made of sturdy, luxurious stainless steel, creating a professional and beautiful feeling for the kitchen.
– The convection system also speeds up baking by 25% compared to a conventional oven, saving both cooking time and electricity usage.
– The oven opening handle is easy to pull – opens the oven door, ensuring user safety.
– The light system and clear glass door help chefs monitor food status throughout the baking process.
– Solid 2-layer oven glass door.
– Dimensions 600 x 550 x 580, weight 32kg, compact, does not take up space, easy to move and clean.
Berjaya BJY-E-CO28 oven helps food cook faster, saving energy use
– The 4-tray oven has a knob structure to adjust time and temperature for easy adjustment and simple operation. Customizable functions of oven, temperature, time are flexible and fast.
The oven has a knob to adjust the time and temperature to adjust according to each type of product for different baking purposes
To start using a convection oven, you should:
– Lower the temperature to standard 25℉.
– Check the condition of the food through the glass door during the baking process to adjust accordingly.
– Ensure air circulation through racks and shelves in the oven and covers the entire food area. Therefore, you should peel off the wrapping paper, etc. from the ingredients to be dried/baked before starting the oven.
Note the steps to use the convection oven to make the dish perfect
Have you noticed the benefits of the Berjaya BJY-E-CO28 convection oven? They are the number 1 choice in professional kitchens at restaurants, hotels or large F&B chain stores. If you want to buy this oven model, please contact Cosmic immediately to check the price of the BJY-E-CO28 convection oven as well as our other attractive promotional information!
Contact Info:
Hotline: 18007088
Showroom: 104/5 Mai Thi Luu, Da Kao Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City